Our Fees : Whatever You want to pay...!!!
[ Pay Only if you like our Suggestion or Got Better Results ]
Our Google Pay/ PhonePay / Paytm Number is +91 9028779937
Please Note that Fees Are Not Refundable once you have paid.
Please Mention Your Name While Payment or Screenshot us on WhatsApp on Same Number
If you Don't want to pay to your Doctor , it's ok ! We trust you whatever reason it is.!
We will Reply you soon in our free time only , Plz do not Call or Message on WhatsApp.
We try our best efforts to cure you, but Please note that We Never Give any kind of warrantee/Guarantee
Homeopathy Medicines Are Considered totally safe in dilutions and do not have any Side effects
still we recommended you should consult your own homeopathic physician.
Thank You...!